Monday, March 29, 2010

Miracle Monday

 You may have gathered from the things that I have been sharing lately that Honey and I are beginning to write a new chapter in our book of life. We are so excited at how God is bringing all of this together.

We have been wanting to build or buy a home of our own since we married in 2003. At one time we laid the stakes and starting getting ready for the dirt work to begin and then we had a bad year in farming and we decided that we needed to wait just a little longer. During this time we prayed and sought God's direction on what He wanted us to do and we felt that maybe he was leading us in another direction but we really didn't understand where.

We bought farm land in the Delta and it turned out to be a great little farm in a wonderful community that we have grown to love. We started looking and praying about buying a house in this community close to our farm but it just never happened. As time has passed my environmental allergies have seemed to get worse and worse. Friends suggested we live away from the farm due to my allergies and we have agreed that this would be best. So we began to venture out and look at land for building or buying a house away from farm ground. Now, if you know anything about the Delta you know that this is hard to do because there is farm ground everywhere.

One night we were shopping for houses on the internet and we ran across a house in Carrollton, it wasn't near a farm, it was a large ranch style home with everything we could ever hope for in a house, it even had a covered pool. The next day Honey called the Realtor who had it listed and she told him all about it. He got off the phone excited and we took the virtual tour one more time before deciding that we were going to buy this house. Sometimes we make plans that may not be Gods plans. We may have been praying and seeking Him for a long time and think this is His will for us but God may have something different in mind, something that we don't always understand. When Honey called the Realtor back she told him that she had sold the house. We continued to work with the Realtor and looked at numerous homes.

During this time we ran across another house that we loved, it was a country home overlooking 10 acres of open yard with a small pond in a gated community. Honey and I just knew that this was our house, it was above our budget but had been on the market for three years so we made an offer! We waited and waited and the couple didn't accept our offer and they wouldn't counter offer so again God had put up a road block.

Once again we were on a journey looking for the perfect house. Last December our Realtor called and told Honey about three houses she had listed. One of the houses being in a nice community where we had visited several times and dreamed of one day living. Every time we drove through I would tell Honey, "it's not going to happen these people aren't going to sell and there's no land available for building". I'm so glad that God has a plan for us and that He knows more than we do. We have bought a house in the little community that we have dreamed of living in. It is away from farm land between where we are farming here and Inverness. It has several acres that are just beautiful and a small yard to keep up which is sounding better all the time. The final paperwork was done on Monday and I feel this is truly a God given miracle!

If we had not allowed God to place road blocks in our lives, if we had forced things to happen, if we had paid the higher price we would have missed out on the blessing that God had for us. We would not be moving into the community of our dreams. We would have had a large house payment with a yard that would be hard to keep up in the future.

We are excited not only for our future in our new home but for the future of our children. I love the quote "We have not inherited the earth from our ancestors, we have only borrowed it from our children."

In doing this we are praying that in the future we can slow down and spend more time with our children and grand-children whether they live in Mississippi, Indiana or Colorado.


  1. Grace...enjoyed reading your blog. How wonderful it is how things work out! I am excited that you have found a new home here in Greenwood. I know you will love it and I can't wait to watch you make it your own. Thanks for sticking with me while God found you the right home...we have to remember that it's his plan, not ours. Welcome to Greenwood (via Strawberry Hill)!

    Tish :)

  2. You will be missed, but at least I can keep up with you through your blogging! Happy for you and Mr. Steve and the plans that God has for you.
