Monday, June 8, 2009

Gluten Free Farm Life

A tomato bought in the local grocery raised in Indianola.

We attended my Aunt's funeral on Sunday and after visiting with our family headed to the Delta. Now we're back in Inverness, spraying and irrigating the crops.

First thing upon arriving in the Delta I have to stock the castle (camper) so that I can cook in my gourmet kitchen. This time I went to Wal-mart anticipating what I might find after my great finds last trip. I didn't find a lot of new things although I did come across some great Spinach dip. It is made by Tostitos and is really good with Tortilla or Corn chips.

Hormel Natural Lunch Meats are Gluten-Free
I use something like this for quick lunches. When Steve comes in and has a few minutes we go ahead and prepare lunch so he can quickly get back to the field.

I enjoy cooking so have to be careful because I also love eating. I think Steve and I are addicted to food. At Wal-mart found a very small pork roast, I hate leftovers because we don't have room to store them. This roast was great cooked on low in the oven

We will soon be heading back to Macon so I had to work in a little baby shopping, I mean what do you expect? I bought these two little outfits but I am not sure whether they will be given as a gift or saved for one of my own babies! I'll be glad when I know what we're having in Indiana so I can buy even more! (Work hard Steve I'm after your money!) :)

I close for now because I have a lot to do in my palace. For now don't forget to eat Gracefully Gluten-Free!!!

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