Just when I thought maybe we were going to get some landscaping done, the farm called and guess what friends, it wins EVERY TIME!
This time of year is sooo nice and sooo hard for me. I want to be out side with every fiber of my being and so a few times I have given in to temptation and man have I paid for it. I am sick now, I feel like my eyes are going to pop out of my head, my throat is extra sore, my ears and head hurts and as if that isn't enough I fell Wednesday and now my body feels like a truck has ran over it. So, for now I'm staying in as much as possible.
During the kids visit Punkin was sick so that kept all of us busy. It makes me sad when anyone I love is sick, doesn't it you?
Here are a few photos to share of our time together.
Playing the radio, watching a little tv and eating Gammy's biscuit!
Look mail for me....
Apple for a snack....
Gammy believes in everyone cleaning up even me!
I love my movies, my favorite is Alice in Wonderland, I'd watch it all day.
My favorite shoes rub blisters on my feet, see the band-aids?
This little bed was made by my Uncle in Virginia for Ash and given to her when she was 1-month old. Now I have given it to Austin and I think A is going to repaint it to match her room in the future.
My favorite shoes rub blisters on my feet, see the band-aids?
This little bed was made by my Uncle in Virginia for Ash and given to her when she was 1-month old. Now I have given it to Austin and I think A is going to repaint it to match her room in the future.
I think we are doing well with our diet, we'll weigh again this weekend. I've been cooking a lot of meat and vegetables with select fruit for snacks, kind of following the Sugar Buster Plan
. I did this years ago and lost thirty pounds and have kept most of it off. Now I only want to loose around ten pounds and it's easier if the whole family diets. I had lost two pounds but I'll weigh this weekend after the Raspberry Roll I may have messed up. I made vegetable soup for supper last night and only had one bowl. Honey on the other hand had two bowls and a piece of french bread. We're still on the farm so when we get home we'll crack down. My man loves to eat and I love to cook and have spoiled him through the years with my very fattening southern dishes.
Thanks for stopping by y'all and please come again!
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