When we got home Thursday night I hit the door running, I had to wash and repack so that Steve could leave again Friday afternoon to return to irrigate the corn. We had hoped to take care of giving the corn a drink of water while we were there this week but it seems Delta Electric has dozens of wells to hook up to electric so they did not get ours hooked up until late Thursday afternoon. They run things a little different there than we do in Macon. They unhook the electric to all pumps for the winter and then hook them back up at the beginning of the summer, what Steve and I didn't know was that you have to call in and have your name put on the list. We're not complaining because it sure saves us money after harvest but we know next year to call in earlier!
I came home to take care of our grand-dog for Ben and Ashia to go out of town. I don't know why we all love this crazy dog like we do but she has stolen our hearts. She was so excited to see me when I picked her up on Friday; we have found that if I pick her up she doesn't mourn their leaving her like she does if they drop her off. The excitement wore off, for me that is, when grandpa came home for lunch. Little did she know that he was getting ready to leave again. After he left she rain frantically through the house searching for him and when she could not find him she laid on the sofa all afternoon, upset. We had some bad weather to roll in so I picked her up and kept her close to me; as soon as I put her down she jumped back on the sofa. I sure hope she gets over this soon.

Sydney on the sofa.

I caught her with her eyes closed from the flash. Ashia takes photos of her all the time and she hates it she told me so.
In the meantime I ‘ve been cleaning house, which was long overdue, it’s so hard to keep two places going all the time. Now I can’t breath and I have a headache, I expected as much with all the dust in the house. A lot of times when I'm like this I can't stand to lay down, it only makes matters worse. If I have to sleep sitting up in my recliner I bet I have company tonight.

Sydney taking a nap with grandpa (Steve) before he leaves to drive back to the Delta.

Who ever thought we could have "Pineapple Upside-Down Cake", "Strawberry Shortcake", "Apple Turnover", and "Lemon Meringue" Yoplait that is Gluten-Free? Flavors like this usually contain gluten. My daughter called me this week to tell me of her new find. As soon as I had a chance I went to the grocery store and bought myself some. I can't wait to try them!
I've finally gotten over the dust attack and enjoying playing with the dog. She's not sad any more, I guess she realizes I'm not going anywhere.
You too can live gracefully gluten-free!
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