Thursday, June 24, 2010

House update and Larabar Review

I just made a quick trip to the hills to approve of my new floor and approve I did. Everything is looking great and when I go there I get soooo excited about moving I just wish the time were NOW. My color choices are working out wonderfully and I couldn't be more pleased with my fixtures. I have a comforter set ordered now that should help to pull everything together in our bedroom.

Oh here's my bedroom suite and I LOVE IT!!!

Come to think of it my floors look about like this also, although my walls are a bright gold with white trim.

This is my comforter set. I hope it all goes together good because I really like it, but if not I'll shop for another one later. We wanted some shade of red and it has to be washable to be in my bedroom!

I can't wait to try and get some good after photos to share. I took before ones but they are awful maybe I can use a few of them, we'll see.   :(

After looking the house over Honey and I went to lunch and guess where too?

You guessed it Crystal Grill, I can't say enough good things about this place. Their menu is really large and there is always several choices for me to eat that are gluten-free. They are best known for their homemade pies which I'll never get to try but from the looks on my family's face when we go there, they must be really good.

Read more about it HERE!

After I got home I tried another Larabar "Cashew Cookie" and again it is a winner!

If you don't know about Larabars read it HERE!

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