Last Saturday I woke up around 6am with another terrible headache. Ashia and I were supposed to go baby shopping but didn’t make it. After a late breakfast Steve was going to work mowing up around the farm so I asked that he take the ant killer with him and sprinkle it on all the massive ant beds in our yard. He suggested that I do it because I probably needed to get some sunshine; while the sun was shining we had a big chance for rain later on in the day. So off I go with my little shaker to try and kill the ants all of the rain had brought in. While I was out side I was looking at my flowers. I don’t have a lot of flowers anymore because with my allergies I can’t work in the yard like I use to but I still love the ones I do have. While is was outside my head started stopping up and I started sneezing and I thought to myself, “there is so much beauty in the midst of the ugly”. Not that anything outside is ugly but when I have an allergy attack while outside I think of my ugly allergies. I have posted a few photos of the beauty!
We are in the Delta and I have just finished cleaning my home away from home. It is very small and doesn’t take a lot of my time though it gets really dusty here on the farm. I cover the coach to try and keep the dust down. When I go home I always take the cover and wash it.
I have the better of two jobs though Steve is out mowing up in the yard around the camper to try and rid us of many snakes. I guess after having 12+ inches of rain we are abundantly blessed with snakes. I’m not talking about Rat or King snakes I’m talking about deadly poisonous Cottonmouths. Steve didn’t have to tell me but one time, “if you go outside be sure and walk in the gravel”!
This afternoon we are leaving Inverness and returning to Macon to pick up more supplies and clean clothes. We plan to return soon and should be able to work in the field by Wednesday afternoon. After cleaning the house yesterday I am either having an allergy attack or I have taken a head cold. Either one is no fun! I may go to the Doctor before returning and see if she will give me a shot.
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